Recycler BPM Technical "Preliminary Design" Review


Date: Monday Feb. 17, 2003

Time: 9:30 am - noon

Venue: One North, WH1W




Ralph Pasquinelli (Chair)

Brian Chase

Bob Demaat

Bill Foster

Sharon Lackey

Ron Rechenmacher

Jim Steimel


Charge to the committee



The Recycler  BPM Technical Review  will  focus on  the ability of the

proposed  solution  to meet  the   requirements as set   forth in  the

Recycler BPM Requirements Document.    Reference materials for  review

will  include documents describing various   elements of the  proposed

solution and the Requirements  Document.  Due to the technical  nature

of the review,  the reviewers are  requested to familiarize themselves

with the available reference material prior to the actual review.


The committee is asked to review and comment  on the proposed solution

and  the  implementation plans.   The    committee  is asked to    pay

particular attention to the following:


the Recycler BPM Requirements Document?


            requirements cannot be met?




integration into  the  control system  and  provide the necessary user



Discussion of  any   additional areas of  concern  identified   by the

committee  are  welcomed and appreciated.    It   is requested that  a

concise report be forwarded to the Beams  Division Deputy Head and the

Review Manager within one week of the meeting.


Preliminary Agenda:
