1. Vladimir a) presented "thank you" Letter to Gennady Kuznetsov - Guset Engineer who designed the TEL, Gennady goes back to Russia in April. b) announced that 5 TeV people are moving to BTW from Linac and X-Galleries 2. Mike Martens overviewed the Tev week: 4 stores since last Friday, two with L about 20e30 (shoot from small stack), 2 with 29-31e30. Problems with collimators seem to be fixed and CDF losses are reduced, dampers did not work properly in one store (Tan reports that this is due to larger than usual coupling rather than dampers itself). Lifetime at 150 is not that good as a week ago. 3. Dean explained the problems we had with collimators: a) during the shutdown the current which drives the collimator motors was reduced from 5A to 3A in order to reduce noise in cables (noise sometimes interfered with collimator motion by inducing false "stop" signals for limit switches); b) because of that, many collimators did not always move while the we though they're moving, as the result collimators were not aligned to the beam or were sometimes left too close to the beam so when they start to move they go into beam and we quench on losses; c) all that is now fixed - currents restored back to 5A, RC filters are installed on the signal cables in order to reduce the noise when the motors operate, collimators realigned and recalibrated wrt LVDTs. 4. XL scaled helix size at the EOS 2328 and observed that a) p and pbar lifetime is better at 80% (smaller) helix; b) effective emittance stayed constant 33pi when helix was reduced from 110% to 70%, then B0 emittance went down 2pi when helix reduced to 46%, while D0 eff-emittance went up 1pi til 50% amd then down 2pi below 50%; c) contrary to eff-emittance, p-SyncLite emittances did grow from 36 pi to 44pi (again, when the helix was cslaed from 110% to 46%), Pbar Vert grown 4pi from 32 to 36pi, Pbar hor reduced from 33 to 30; d) emittances measured by FWs varied the same way as Sl emittances, but changes were 3 times smaller, e.g. only 2-3 pi in proton emittances; e) during helix changes from 110% to 46% proton tunes were constant within 0.001, while pbar tunes varied by 0.003-0.004 (one tune went up, anotther down). 5. Vladimir analyzed data on p and pbar beam centroid postions vs helix size and found significant miscalibration in HE11A, and 10-20% error (vs helix model) in VE11P and HE17P and A. >30% error (again, wrt the Tev lattice and helix model) also found in proton vert and pbar hor positions reported by SyncLite. 6. Stephen and Harry tried to measure DC beam intensity in the abort gap (timed Fws and SLite, respectively). When TEl was turned OFF at the EOS, some 6e9 proton were accumlated in the DC beam but both FWs and SL did not see it. Later, an RF station trip oocured and 36e9 protons went into the DC beam - and SL was able to see that. Stephen gives up on FWs as the DC beam monitor. More work is planned with SLite in order to improve signal to noise ratio for the DC beam. 7. Yuri and MikeM made the first attempt to run with so called "5 star" injection helix (whicj employs 5 separatos vs 3 in current "new-new helix") and found it's not worse than "new-new" one, also no big feeddown sextupole changes wouyld be needed for it. They sucessfully ramped beam on the 5-star helix. More work needed to adjust injection orbits at A0 anf F0 where losses are seen with 5* helix. 8. Bruce scanned aperture at A0 and found it is not much smaller than expected. Some additional aperture can be gained by moving orbit at the A0 beam dump (or move the dump). 9. Jim S shown modified schametics of the E17 Schottky electronics (filters added), now results are quite promising, we have TV monitor to see the Schottky spectrum traces (Ch20) and McGinnis wrote software to get traces in ASCII format (T122).