Design for Recycler BPM Calibration Acnet Page

Marc W. Mengel


This paper describes the current design for the Acnet Console application which will manage BPM Calibration for the Recycler Ring at Fermilab. This document provides a initial description of the intended usage of the software, and an overview of how the software is broken into modules. It should assist other people in understanding the software. It will be updated as design work completes, and as implementation progresses.

Intended Usage


The BPM Calibration Application will allow users to:


Currently, the application is envisioned as proceeding through 4 screens:
  1. A setup screen that lets the user select: and lets them start the calibration
  2. A progress screen, which shows the progress of calibration on the various houses as we step through the various intensities and waveforms
  3. A results screen which shows a graph of average and RMS positions read back from various BPMs, and lets the user select a BPM for the adjustment screen; and has a "Adjust All Outliers" button (with an R U sure popup) to adjust all out of tolerance BPMs to a recommended calibration value.
  4. The adjustment screen, which shows a history of past calibration values for this BPM as a time plot and histogram, provides recommended new values for calibration parameters (which may be "ignore this BPM"), and allows the user to pick values (default the recommended ones) and set the calibration parameters for the BPM to those values.
The normal usage would start at the setup screen, pause at the progress screen as calibration sets are made, and then move on to the results screen, where various trips to the adjustment screen and back would be made. The thorough user would then go back to the Setup screen, re-run the calibration, and review how the new values worked on the results screen.

Initial setup for a given housefull of BPMs could be made by the "Adjust All Outliers" button on the results page.

Architecture of the software

The code will be organized into a few small modules of one source file each: The subroutine call interfaces for these modules will be described in more detail in the following sections.

The hardware module

The hardware module will be in file "hw.c", and have interface subroutines:
int hw_init();
Initialize hardware interfaces (i.e dio init/lock routines)
int hw_trm();
shutdown hardware interfaces (i.e dio close/unlock routines)
int start_signal_generator(int house, int beam_type, int ratio);
turn on the calibration signal generator in a given house generating a given beam type, and with A:B ratio given (currently only 1:1 or 2:1)
int stop_signal_generator(int house, int beam_type);
turn off calibration signal generator (must always be called before leaving application!)
int start_data_collection(int house, int beam_type);
tell the front end to begin collecting closed-orbit data for the given beam_type.
int check_data_ready(int house, int beam_type);
see if started data collection has finished.
int collect_data(int house, int raw, int *pn_bpms, float *pos, float *rms);
retrieve collected data into arrays. This actually sums the values into the array; they will be divided by the number of sampling runs at the end of the data collection before graphing.

The state module

In order to allow calibration to be done in bite-sized bits, while polling for user requests to abort, etc; main flow of control of the application will be buried in a state machine, with each event from the event loop allowing us to tick forward a state at a time.

This module will receive event notifications from the main module, and will refer the appropriate event to the current screen module's update() call, or other internal subroutine calls, as indicated on the state transfer edges in the diagram below. Each such subroutine will return a result of either:

The state diagram (with nested sub-state diagrams indicated with dashed lines) looks like: state diagram
int st_update(int wid,int type,int row,int col,int info)
update appropriate screen with new event.
Turn on signal generator for current waveform, intensity, etc. in all selected houses.
Turn on data collection in all selected houses.
Check if data collection is done in all selected houses, or if we have timed out.
collect raw and adjusted data for all selected houses
turn off signal generator in all houses
The state module will also hold the data read back from the calibration data collection in arrays:
    float st_pos[]; float st_rms[], st_pos_raw[], st_rms_raw[];
    int n_samples;

The setup screen module

This module will deal with the setup screen, which should look something like:
			    BPM Calibration Setup

   +-Coverage==========+   +-Intensities=======+   +-Beam Simulation==+
   |[x] All BPMs       |   |[x] Low (0.1V)     |   |[x] un-bunched    | 
   |[ ] Houses:___-___ |   |[x] Med (0.5V)     |   |[x] 2.5MHz        |
   |[ ] BPMs:____-____ |   |[x] High(0.9V)     |   |[x] 7.0MHz        |
   +===================+   +===================+   +==================+
			    [Start Calibration]                    

   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |

draw the setup screen
ss_update(int type,int row,int col,int info)
handle an event from the main loop. This will consist of one of:

The progress screen module

			   BPM Calibration Progress

	  |XXXXXXXXXX                                             |

			       [ Abort ]

			  Intensity: 0.3v               
			      Ratio: 2 
			   Waveform: unbunched

   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |

draw the progress screen
ps_update(int type,int row,int col,int info)
handle an event from the main loop. This will consist of:

The results screen module

                            BPM Calibration Results
         [Return to Setup]                          [Adjust All Outliers]

   +-Display====+=============+                 +-Selected-+================+
   |[ ] Raw     |[x] Position |                 |BPM: 37   |  R   Pos RMS   |   
   |[X] Adjusted|[ ] Intensity|                 |          | 1:1  0.3 0.003 |  
   +============+=============+                 | [Adjust] | 2:1  2.3 0.002 |  
graph showing points with error bars
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |

draw the results screen
rs_update(int type,int row,int col,int info)
handle an event from the main loop. This will consist of either

The adjustment screen module

This module should present a screen like:
			   BPM Calibration Adjustment

	 [Return to Setup]                          [Return to Results]

image of four graphs 
				 Scale    Offset
       [ ] Historical Average    0.0025   0.0020
       [ ] Latest Reccomendation 0.0030   0.0020
       [ ] Custom Value          ______   _______

			[Adjust Calibration]

   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |

draw the adjustment screen
as_update(int type,int row,int col,int info)
handle an event from the main loop. This will consist of either

The history module

This module will help us track history of calibration of BPMs.
hs_fetch(int maxbpms; int &nbpms, float *shifts, float *scales);
Get current calibration params for BPMs
hs_history(int bpm, int max, int &n, float *shifts, float *scales, long *dates);
Get historical calibration params for a given BPM.
hs_adjust(int bpm, float shift, float scale);
Set new shift and scale value for the given BPM.
hs_forget_before(int bpm, long date);
Remove entries older than date from history for a given BPM.

The main module

This consists pretty much of the main() subroutine, which will call the routines to initialize the hardware, call the state machine repeatedly, then clean up.>