Notes - instrumentation/beam physics meeting - Nov 10, 2004 Topic: Proposal for damping low frequency orbit motions in the Tev - Wahid Ranjbar Notes: Vahid presented his proposal for a system to damp low frequency orbit motions in the Tevatron. His talk is document 1447. Comments/questioons from the people at the meeting: 1) Is the system still needed given the new supports for the low beta quads at CDF? 2) Does rapid cycling of the dipole correctors excite the other windings in the spool piece? 3) what is the effect of slewing due to the band width of the current regulators for the power supply controllers? This might explain the phase differences that Vahid saw. 4) The scheme assumes point sources of the disturbances (B0 and/or D0) and perfect knowledge lattices, hence perfect cancelation of the disturbance, and a perfect feed forward system. Since life isn't perfect, the system could easily be unstable. 5) Special BPM electronics has been developed for a NUMI application that might be applicable here. This would be particularly useful if it means not using legacy Tev BPM electronics.