Beams-doc-2127-v1 February 1, 2006 Rob Kutschke This is a first look at raw mode data taken by Steve Foulkes earlier today. The data was taken during state 21 ( 6 batches to NUMI ). The trigger was set when there were 6 batches in the MI. In this mode I do not get (I,Q) data. The quantities A and B are just 14 bit signed integers. The following notes refer to the pages of the accompanying .ps (.pdf) files. Page 1: The horizontal axis is ticks of the 10/7 RF digitizing clock. The vertical axes on the three plots are, A, B, |A|+|B|, all in Echotek Units (EU). In these figures, one turn is 840 ticks. The abort gaps are clear. For example there is one centered about 500 ticks and another centered at 1340 ticks. The individual batches are sort of visible but not well defined. We clearly need more gain if we want to do this measurement seriously. It's not clear to me if the sum signal has any real meaning for this circumstance. Page 2: Repeat of page 1 but with a different vertical scale. The batches are now resolved with the eye. On page 4 I will show the FFT of some data. The red vertical lines on this plot delimit the data used for the FFT, approximately one full batch. Page 3: The plot is A vs B. The data are scattered around the main diagonal, which implies that the timing is reasonably well matched and the filters on the transition board are reasonably well matched. Page 4: These are FFTs of the data between the red vertical lines in Figure 2. When I compute FFTs, I always subtract out the mean value of the array before doing the FFT. The colored lines are drawn at 1/7 (Green), 3/7 (Red) and 4/7 (Yellow) of the RF frequency. A and B both have a strong line at 3/7 of the RF frequency. This is the expected alias from undersampling the beam signal with a 10/7 RF clock. The green line is drawn at the frequency with which batches go by. We don't see anything here; this is a left over from an earlier version of this analysis in which a mistake created a feature at that frequency. The sum signal has a strong feature at 4/7 RF. Bob explained that |A|+|B| has an implied square in it. This modifies a sin(w) signal to look like (constant+sin(2w)). Sin(2w) has a frequency of 14/7 RF, which will have an alias at 4/7 RF when undersampled with a 10/7 RF clock. The constant component will have an alias at baseband; the main body of the this alias has been removed since I subtracted the mean value of the data before doing the FFT. However its various side lobes could well explain the low frequency noise.