Beams-doc-2424-v1 August 29, 2006. Rob Kutschke These notes describe the accompanying pdf file. These data were taken on August 11, 2006 at about 1:30 PM. These data are for state 11, transfer of pbar from RR to TeV. The accompanying file shows 6 plots per page, one page for each BPM. The pages are in order of increasing bpm number: hp100, hp101, vp101 ... vp641. When a location has both h and v measurements, eg 101, the h measurement appears first. One can scan the plots to get a feel for the noise. The plots are: Upper left plot: Sum (|A|+|B|) vs turn number. The two horizontal red lines denote thresholds. The lower (dashed) red line shows the threshold for declaring a point useful for computing the position. Points between the two red lines are flagged as suspiciously noisy and will be looked into further. Upper right plot: Position vs turn number. Middle left plot: Fourier transform of the sum signal, including only points above threshold; the mean was subtracted before computing the fft. Middle right plot: Fourier transform of the position data, including only points above threshold; the mean was subtracted before computing the fft. Lower left plot: The phase of the complex number A =(I_A,Q_A). The slope of this line indicates an small and already known energy mismatch between the RR and the MI. The single turn spikes in this plot are more sensitive to noise than are the other plots. Lower right plot: The difference between the phases of the complex numbers A and B. Should be a constant at 0. There are two BPMs that are really odd: vp601, page 173 hp602, page 174 Both of these look to be extraction measurements, not injection? The corresponding extraction measurements look odd too; for vp601 the extraction buffer looks like an injection; for hp602 the extraction buffer does not look like either injection or extraction - it starts with no beam, has a few turns with beam and then no beam.