Minutes of the June 11, 2010 Tevatron Dept Meeting http://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=3415 * News (Ron) - This year's performance review process is about to begin. I will distribute links to forms later. * Weekly Operations Summary (Andreas Jansson) - The Tevatron delivered 68.4 pb^-1 to the experiments over the past week. There have been 10 HEP stores with nice, consistent initial luminosities between 330 and 370 ub^-1/s. All stores have been terminated intentionally. Since raising the RF voltages back up to near pre-shutdown values, the longitudinal pbar blow-ups have been reduced significantly, if they occur at all during stores. Pbar injection closure has had shot-to-shot variations recently; it's not clear if there is a vayring power supply in the line or something else. Studies completed include crystal collimator, B0 aperture scans, lattice measurements, rephasing of tune and chromaticity trackers after a LLRF reboot. * RF Phase Shaking (Alexey Burov) - Alexey has been studying longitudinal instabilities; theory indicates that a flatter phase distribution for small amplitudes may be beneficial. He proposed modulating the RF phase at a frequency close to the synchrotron frequency of the small amplitude particles in a bunch in order to modify the distribution. Tan successfully tested a set-up of the existing chromaticity tracking harware in preparation of an experiment: phase-modulating the beam at 87.5 Hz at an amplitude of ~4.5 deg. The SBD can be used to obtain the longitudinal beam profiles during the actual experiment. * IPAC Highlights (Alex Valishev) - Alex summarized his personal favorite presentations from IPAC including topics from LHC commissiong, wire-based long-range beam-beam compensation at RHIC, plans for SuperB factory in Italy, successful use of 10-pole and 12-pole correctors at RHIC, many studies exploiting turn-by-turn analyses, and Hirata's talk on social aspects of accelerators in Japan. * Plan for next week - Continue smooth delivery of luminosity. - RF phase shaking (Tan, Alexey - proton-only) - 3x3 TEL study (Alex et al.) - Pbar-only store for pre-shutdown documentation (all)