Shielding Assessment of F0 to Switchyard Beam Line Enclosure for MI 120 GeV Beam Transport

Chandra Bhat

Dated September 16, 1997

A. Introduction

The Main Injector (MI) is a high intensity 150 GeV proton synchrotron. This accelerator replaces the existing Main Ring for collider operation of the Tevatron and has an additional capability of providing 120 GeV proton beam year round, for the fixed target experiments like NuMI and experiments in the Switchyard area [1]. The beam line towards Switchyard comprises of a part of the Main Ring remnant from F0 to A0 and the existing beam line which is being used for transporting 800 GeV proton beam towards the Switchyard experimental areas. In this report we concentrate on the radiation shielding of the 120 GeV beam transport line for the region from F0 to "D" road. Any special administrative control procedure for the operation of the beam line is omitted here. The radiation shielding assessment related to the Main Injector extraction losses will be dealt with in a separate document.

Presently, it is planned to accelerate the proton beam from 8 GeV to 120 GeV in MI and perform slow resonant extraction at MI-52 location for one second. The beam intensity limits and some details of the cycles of operation of the MI are given in Table I. Recently, a shielding assessment has been carried out for the Tevatron (Main Ring) enclosure and the beam line downstream of the A0 straight section for beam intensities up to 4E13 protons per pulse/min at 1000 GeV [2] and the necessary precautions have been taken. For the present assessment we have been suggested [3] to assume 5.7 x 1016 p /hr @120 GeV delivered to the Switch Yard experimental area during MI era.However, during the Main Injector era the total beam power delivered to the Switchyard area will be a factor of three higher than the existing operating scenarios. Hence it is necessary to do the shielding assessment again from the point of view of the MI operating conditions.

Table I

Main Injector Beam Intensities and Operation Cycles Relevant to the Fixed Target Experiments [1]
Operation Mode Number of 
Booster Batches
Energy Cycle
Fixed Target Injection
in to Tevatron
6 150 GeV 2.4 0.25 3E13* 3.6E15
High Intensity
slow spill
6 120 GeV 2.9 1.0 3E13 3.7E16
High Intensity
Fast spill (NuMI)
6 120 GeV 1.9 0.04 3E13 5.7E16
Mixed - AP+Slow spill
slow spill
6 120 GeV 3.0 1.0 3E13 3.0E16@
* The Tevatron takes two MI batches and its cycle is 60 sec long.
@ 0.6E16/hour protons will be delivered for pbar production in this mode.

B. The Shielding Requirements for the Beam Line

The Main Injector Preliminary Safety Report [4] specifies that the MI enclosure should have a minimum of 24.5 ft of soil equivalent to achieve unlimitted occupancy limits. This specification is derived using Dugan's Criteria ([5], also see Appendix A) for accidental beam losses and CASIM calculations for normal losses. Hence, the MI enclosure is built with a shielding of 24.5 ft soil equivalent (and is designed to carry additional 1.5 ft of soil equivalent shielding on the top). The region over the beamline berm are generally considered as minimum occupancy area and the Dugan's criteria for such region suggests that required shielding to be in access of 22.8 ft of soil shielding.

For the rest of this report we use the Dugan's Criteria to estimate radiation dose over the berm for accidental beam loss conditions with the existing shielding and also estimate required shielding to achieve minimial occupancy limit at all locations along the F0 to Switchyard MI 120 GeV beam line.

C. Existing Shielding and Suggestions

Table II summarizes the results of analysis of the existing shielding of beam line enclosure from F0 to Switchyard. The beam line enclosure has over 19.5 ft of soil equivalent shielding at most of the locations. Meeting the requirement of 24.5 ft of passive shielding for no occupancy (or 22.8 ft for minimal occupancy) over the entire beam line is prohibitively expensive. Hence, it is suggested to adopt a combination of instrumentation with some passive shielding to limit the radiation dose below acceptable level in compliance with the Fermilab Radiological Control Manual [6]. In column seven of Table II, we have listed our recommendations for the MI operating scenarios (special administrative exceptions are not considered in this report). We find that adding an electronic berm [7] (Particle Physics Division has used one electronic berm in the M-East beam line and another in neutrino test area) down stream of Transfer Hall will be more economical than using one interlock detector for every 30 ft to 40 ft over the berm (i.e., more than 15 interlock detectors on the berm and their associated electronics).

In conclusion we have estimated the radiation dose over the 120 GeV proton beam transfer line from F0 to Switch Yard experimental area with the existing shielding during accidental beam loss conditions assuming 5.7 x 1016 proton@120 GeVare lost in one hour. We also estimate the required extra passive shieding to be added to achieve minimum occupancy limit. Suggestions have been made to add fences with signsup to location A13 ; add interlocked detectors or e-berm in the region of A13 to D -road.

Table II

Existing soil equivalent shielding over the MI 120 GeV beam line (from F0 to "D" road) enclosure and proposed shielding during MI era. The dose rate/accident in column-5 is estimated using Dugan's Criteria. Proposed Shielding in Column-6 is in compliance with the Fermilab RADCON Manual (Jan., 1997). In the Table an "Accident" implies 5.7E16 p/hour (a continuous beam loss for one hour with full MI intensity i.e., 3E13p/pulse at a rate of 1900 pulses/hr). The tunnel ceiling elevation is 730.5' at most of the places.
(The cost estimates are not included here)

Region on





Location on the

Radiation Safety Drawings

of 1991

Current Shielding @



Radiation level

during MI era with the current shielding






1   F0 to F11 (Part of the F0

service building to F11)

9-6-1-128 C-1

>24.5 ft*

of Soil Equivalent

Unlimitted occupancy


Not the part of this assessment

2 A F11 to F12 (Cryogenic

piping on the berm. Tunnel ceiling at 731.5 ft)

9-6-1-128 C-1

18 ft




Signs, 4' high fences, locked gates


3 A F12 to F15 (Cryogenic

piping on the berm)

9-6-1-128 C-1

19.5<T<21.5 ft




Signs and fencing to define perimeter, Area must be Minimum occupancy


4 B F15, F1 Refrigerator

Building and immediate vicinity

9-6-1-128 C-1

( and 1650-MD-258091)

18.5 ft (In side)

Interlocked Detectors in the Building,

Trip point : 50 mrem/hr

>19 ft (out side)

Building is locked and Controlled by entry procedure

Not applicable












Interlocked detector in Building remains (required due to penetration)




Signs, 4' high fences around the building, locked gates




F15 to F23 (Cryogenic

piping on the berm)

9-6-1-129 C-1

20 ft







Signs and fencing to define perimeter, Area must be Minimum occupancy


6 C F23 (Ancillary Building )

9-6-1-129 C-1

<20 ft (In side)

Interlocked Detectors in the Building,

Limit : 50 mrem/hr

(Building not currently locked)

20 ft (Outside)

Not applicable












Interlocked detector in Building remains




Signs and fencing to define perimeter, Area must be Minimum occupancy

7 C F23 to F25 (Cryogenic piping on the berm )

9-6-1-129 C-1

20 ft




Signs and fencing to define perimeter, Area must be Minimum occupancy




F25, F2 Refrigerator

Building and immediate vicinity

9-6-1-129 C-1

( and 1650-MD-258091)

17.5ft (In side)

Interlocked Detectors in the Building,

Trip point : 50 mrem/hr

>17.5ft (out side)

Building is locked and Controlled by entry procedure

Not applicable












Interlocked detector in Building remains (required due to penetration)




Add 0.5 ft of soil where required to bring up to 18 ft. Signs, 4' high fences around the building, locked gates


9 E F25 to F27 (Cryogenic piping on the berm)

9-6-1-129 C-1

18.5<T<19.5 ft




Signs, 4' high fences, locked gates


10 E F27 (Ancillary Building )

9-6-1-129 C-1



19 ft (Inside)

Interlocked Detectors in the Building,

(Building not currently locked)

Limit : 50 mrem/hr

19 ft (Outside)

Not applicable












Interlocked detector in Building remains


Signs, 4' high fences, locked gates

11 E F27 to F34 (Cryogenic piping on the berm)

9-6-1-129 C-1 &

9-6-1-130 C-1

18.5<T<19.0 ft





Signs, 4' high fences, locked gates

12 E F34 to F35 (Cryogenic piping on the berm)


9-6-1-130 C-1


18<T<20 ft







Signs, 4' high fences , locked gates







F35, F3 Refrigerator

Building and immediate vicinity

9-6-1-130 C-1

( and 1650-MD-258091)

15 ft (In side)

Interlocked Detectors in the Building,

Trip point : 50 mrem/hr

>17ft (out side)

Building is locked and Controlled by entry procedure

Not applicable












Interlocked detector in Building remains (required due to penetration)




Add 1.0 ft of soil where required to bring up to 18 ft. Signs, 4' high fences around the building, locked gates


14 G F35 to F38-Cryogenic piping on the berm

9-6-1-130 C-1

19<T<20 ft





Signs, 4' high fences, locked gates




F38 to F42-declining

Cryogenic piping on

the berm (south side

of the South Booster Road)

9-6-1-130 C-1


Interlocked Detectors in the dog house

Limit : 5.0 mrem/hr


Not applicable


Interlocked detector remains

Area must be Minimum occupancy

(0.25mrem/trip<D<2.5mrem/trip and

DR<5 mrem/hr)



F42-Cryogenic piping on

the berm (under the South

Booster Road)

9-6-1-130 C-1



Beam loss is controlled using Interlocked Detectors on the berm

Limit : 5.0 mrem/hr

Not applicable


Interlocked detector remains

Area must be Minimum occupancy

(0.25mrem/trip<D<2.5mrem/trip and

DR<5 mrem/hr)




F42 to F44-Cryogenic

piping on the berm ( north

side of the South Booster

Road )

9-6-1-130 C-1


Interlocked Detectors in the dog house

Limit : 5.0 mrem/hr


Not applicable


Interlocked detector remains

Area must be Minimum occupancy

(0.25mrem/trip<D<2.5mrem/trip and

DR <5 mrem/hr)

18 K F44 to F45-Cryogenic piping on the berm

9-6-1-130 C-1

19.5 ft



Post signs and add fences (ropes), Area must be Minimum occupancy



F45, F4 Refrigerator

Building and immediate vicinity


9-6-1-113 C-1

( and 1650-MD-258091)

17.5ft (In side)

Interlocked Detectors in the Building,

Trip point : 50 mrem/hr

>17.5ft (out side)

Building is locked and Controlled by entry procedure

Not applicable












Interlocked detector in Building remains (required due to penetration)




Add 0.5 ft of soil where required to bring up to 18 ft. Signs, 4' high fences around the building, locked gates


20 N F45 to F47 (Tunnel ceiling

at 730.5 ft)

9-6-1-113 C-1

20<T<21.5 ft



Signs and fencing to define perimeter, Area must be minimal occupancy


21 P & S F47 to mid point of F47 to F48 -(Cryogenic piping on the berm and tunnel ceiling at 734.17 ft)

9-6-1-113 C-1

17.5 ft



Signs, 4' high fences, locked gates

Add 0.5 ft of soil where required to bring up to 18 ft. Signs, 4' high fences around the building, locked gates






P & S

Existing A0 link - Personnel


9-6-1-113 C-1

17.7ft #

There is 2'-9" of steel and 7.25 ft soil under the corridor.* The region is controlled by

Interlock detector

(6-1-53 PA-1)

Not applicable

15 ft

Interlocked detector remains in the corridor



23 P & S Existing A0 link to the mid of (A12-A13) Cryogenic piping on the berm

9-6-1-113 C-1

19.1<T<20.1 ft#



Signs, 4' high fences, locked gates



Mid of (A12-A13) to mid of A13-A14. (very near to the steps. Here the tunnel ceiling back to 730.52 ft)

9-6-1-113 C-1

20<T<21.5 ft Not applicable


Electronic berm

8 trips/hour, no occupancy limit

D<0.25 mrem/trip with DR<1 mrem/hr



Steps and Walk path

9-6-1-113 C-1

20.5 ft Not applicable


Electronic berm

8 trips/hour, no occupancy limit

D<0.25 mrem/trip with DR<1 mrem/hr



Up to end of Enclosure B

9-7-1-12 C-1

21.5<T<22.5 ft Not applicable


Electronic berm

8 trips/hour, no occupancy limit

D<0.25 mrem/trip with DR<1 mrem/hr



120 ft long 8" dia buried beam pipe 23.0 ft


Not applicable


Electronic berm

8 trips/hour, no occupancy limit

D<0.25 mrem/trip with DR<1 mrem/hr



In the Enclosure C region up to "D" Road

22<T<23 ft Not applicable


Electronic berm

8 trips/hour, no occupancy limit

D<0.25 mrem/trip with DR<1 mrem/hr



Under the "D" Road

Tunnel ceiling is at 727.25 ft

19 ft Not applicable


Electronic berm

8 trips/hour, no occupancy limit

D<0.25 mrem/trip with DR<1 mrem/hr


@ Current shielding is taken from the Radiation Shielding Drawings indicated in the 3rd column.

* Private Communication with Tom Pawlak and drawing 6-1-53 PA-1

The radiation shielding drawing 9-6-1-113 C-1 do not indicate any steel under the passage way. However, it is confirmed from the references mentioned above that there is about 2'-9" steel under the Personnel Corridor.

# In the transfer Hall, the MR magnets are 8.7 ft off the ceiling, giving an additional factor of (8.7/3)**2 = 8.4 ==>2.6 ft of soil equivalent. The total shielding listed is the final result.

References ( * Implies these references are included as attachments)

[1] Fermilab Main Injector Technical Design Handbook (1994 and Updated 1997).

[2] MAD Shielding Assessment for the 1996 Fixed Target Run.

[3] S. Holmes, Project Manager (Private Communication 1997).

[4] Fermilab Main Injector Preliminary Safety Analysis Report-(1992).

[5]* Dugan Criteria " Radiation Shielding Calculations for Booster Operations with Main Injector", Memo to Vinod Bharadwaj, July 29, 1991.

[6]* Fermilab Radiological Control Manual ( dated January 1997).

[7] "Eberm Electronic Berm Interlock Module - Functional Description", P.C. Czarapata (October 20, 1995) and "Description and Calibration SEM/Ion Chamber Current Digitizer" Daniel Schoo (Jan. 20, 1992).