Recycler BPM Calibration Application
Users Guide

Author: Marc Mengel, Fermilab

This document will attempt to describe the normal usage of the Recycler BPM Calibration Application.

It assumes you have a working knowledge of the ACNET Console system (i.e. how to log on, start a console session, and find applications in the index page, etc.)

NOTE: to make this document print well, the graphics screen images here are presented as negated images, so the following colors are swapped:


The application is currently assigned to page R26.

Main screen

The main screen looks like:

BPM Calibration Main

New Calibration Run Retrieve Old Run View BPM History
and lets you choose between three major modes of operation: All three of these will present you with a screen to fill in parameters appropriate to that choice, and then take you to a results screen, where you can examine graphs of results and/or save them in various formats. Each of these will now be described in more detail.

A New Calibration Run

Choosing "New Calibration Run" on the main screen takes you to a screen


Run Calibration

House Range: -<RBPM10 >+-<RBPM31 >+ Waveform: -<Fake >+ Levels: -<All >+ Progress: < > Start Dismiss
to let you choose options about the test you run. For most normal cases, you will want to simply choose "Bunched" for the "Waveform" type and hit "Start", but there are several options you may want to choose:
House Range
This lets you pick which "houses" (individual ACNET nodes with connections to BPMs) you wish to test. Often a particular house has had maintenance done to it, etc. and you would like to either test it in particular, or not test a particular house. So you can set the high and low ends of a range of houses to display.

Set both selections to the same house to test just that house.

This lets you choose which waveform will be:
  1. generated by the signal generator in the houses
  2. listened for when collecting data
There is no option to set these differently from each other.

NOTE: The "Fake" waveform, if chosen, does not actually run a calibration test; instead data is filled in to the tables for graphing as if a test had been run.

This lets you pick the voltage level to set in the waveform generator. The default "All" (which does all 3 levels in sequence) is recommended for normal testing, as some of the displays are much less informative with out this setting.
Having filled out the request information as you desire, you can either Start the test, or hit the Dismiss button to go back To the main screen.

Once you hit Start, an Abort button will come up to let you abort the test if you need to for any reason, and the Progress: slider will move as the test progresses.

When the test is completed, the "View Results" screen will come up, and a graphics window with 2 graphs will be displayed.

View Results

The View results screen


View Results

Date: 05-DEC-2003 12:05:00 Note: THURSDAY RUN Graph: -+ Level: -+ Data: -<H Raw Ratio>+ HRange: -<R:HP100 >+ -<R:HP518 >+ VRange: -1 1 Save in List Bad Spreadsheet Screen Database Email Email Dismiss
and accompanying graphics screen

lets you:

Modifying graph displays

controls whether we are modifying the upper or lower graph
which voltage level's results we display: normally the High voltage gives us the smallest error bars on our ratio and position displays.
which type of data we're displaying -- for each Axis (H == Horizontal or V == Vertical):
Let you set the ranges for the two axes of the graph; the BPM range (or run number range if this is history data) for the horizontal axis, the vertical range for the graph in whichever units we are currently operating.

Note: changing the ranges for Histograms currently doesn't work.

Saving data

You can currently save run results in the database, (which allows you to retrieve them later using the Retrieve old Run screen) and also to a spreadsheet file, and you will soon be able to have the spreadsheet file email-ed to you by filling in the email address and clicking the email button.

'Bad' BPM lists

A list of BPMs which are out of the tolerance range can be generated to the screen, or e-mailed to an email address. If you want to send it out of the beams cluster, y Screenou need to specify

Retrieve Old Runs

This screen

Retrieve Old Run

Run Date Note
 4  05-NOV-2003 12:00:00  TEST RUN
 8  05-NOV-2003 14:05:03  ANOTHER TEST

Load Delete Dismiss
lets you pick results previously saved to the database, and review the graphs, save the data as a spreadsheet, etc. First you get a screen with the list of saved items, which you can scroll through using the scrollbar, and select one by clicking on it.

Pressing the Load button will load the selected data, and take you to the Results screen as if you had just run that test.

Pressing the Dismiss button will take you back to the main screen as if nothing had happened.

Pressing Delete lets you delete an old run from the database.

Review BPM history

This screen

Retrieve BPM History

BPM: -<Horiz>+ -<R:HP100 >+ Get History Dismiss
lets you pick a BPM to review the previous values read in calibrating that BPM, and to look for trends in changes in the values associated with that BPM.

You pick either horizontal or vertical, and pick the BPM from that list.

Clicking the Get History button gets you a trimmed down Results screen, and lets you select various graphs for that item.

NOTE: A given BPM's history will only valid data for Horizontal or Vertical graphs, but not both.

Accessing the Database

If you've never used the database directly, you may need to see the intro database page, and get a database account.

Currently the BPM Calibration application uses two tables in the "appdb" database:

	appdb.mengel.BPM_Calibration_Run_Info (
	    run_number  int             not null,
	    date        smalldatetime   not null,
	    note        char(30)        not null,
	appdb.mengel.BPM_Calibration_Values (
	    bpm_name    char(8)         not null,
	    run_number  int             not null,
	    lr1         real            not null,
	    mr1         real            not null,
	    hr1         real            not null,
	    lr2         real            not null,
	    mr2         real            not null,
	    hr2         real            not null,
	    ls1         real            not null,
	    ms1         real            not null,
	    hs1         real            not null,
	    ls2         real            not null,
	    ms2         real            not null,
	    hs2         real            not null,
	    li1         real            not null,
	    mi1         real            not null,
	    hi1         real            not null,
	    li2         real            not null,
	    mi2         real            not null,
	    hi2         real            not null,
	    le1         real            not null,
	    me1         real            not null,
	    he1         real            not null,
	    le2         real            not null,
	    me2         real            not null,
	    he2         real            not null,
Data feild names are 3 characters (just like the column headings in the spreadsheet save format):
	Level  Type       Ratio
	-----  ----       -----
	l(ow)  r(aw)	  1(:1)
        m(ed)  s(caled)   2(:1)
        h(igh) i(ntensity)  

Sample Database session

Lets look at a simple database session on CNS55:
CNS55> isql/server=ADBS/user="your_username"
1> use appdb
2> go
1> select * from appdb.mengel.BPM_Calibration_Run_Info
2> go
 run_number  date                       note
 ----------- -------------------------- ------------------------------
           4        Nov  5 2003 12:00PM       TEST BEFORE CHOIR
           8        Nov  5 2003  3:23PM FIRST AFTERNOON RUN MI50
          11        Nov  6 2003  4:11PM YA AFTERNOON RUN
          17        Nov 20 2003  4:18PM TEST LISTEN MODE
          18        Nov 20 2003  4:22PM TEST FULL RR RUN
          19        Nov 20 2003  4:34PM EVERYBODYS STUCK AGAIN...
          20        Feb 27 2004 10:14AM MI60 W/ PROTONS
          21        Feb 27 2004 10:59AM
          22        Feb 27 2004 10:59AM FULL RING NO BEAM
(9 rows affected)
Here we've connected to the database, and just dumped out the run information table. But there are lots of possibilities. Here are some sample queries:
View runs and descriptions:
SELECT * FROM appdb.mengel.BPM_Calibration_Run_Info
View all values for a given run:
SELECT * FROM appdb.mengel.BPM_Calibration_Values
  where run_number=4
Show the 2 low voltage raw readings for the R:HP5xx BPMS in run 4:
SELECT bpm_name,lr1,lr2 FROM appdb.mengel.BPM_Calibration_Values
  WHERE run_number=4 AND bpm_name like 'R:HP5%'
Show the history of low voltage readings for R:HP502 with run comments and dates:
SELECT v.run_number, v.bpm_name, v.lr1,, i.note
   BPM_Calibration_Values as v
   JOIN BPM_Calibration_Run_Info as i
   ON i.run_number = v.run_number
  WHERE bpm_name LIKE 'R:HP100%'