3 Authentication in Web Browsers

Chapter Index

  1. Task Definition
  2. Server
    1. Security Realm
    2. Auto-Authenticator
    3. Configuration
  3. Client

This chapter describes how Kerberos Module can be applied for the user authentication over HTTP, and how the web server should be configured. On the client side we supposed to have a standard web-browser capable to handle cookies and start Java applets. The case, when a Java application is used as the web service client, is discussed in the next chapter.

3.1 Task Definition

To apply Kerberos authentication to the web protocol, we have to build a pretty complicated system consisted of several separated pieces. Let's define what we are going to do:

There is also one requirement, specific for Fermilab:

3.2 Server

On the server side, we are running Tomcat server. The described Kerberos Module have been tested on ver. 4.1.27 and 5.0.28. The server-side code consists of two parts:

3.2.1 Security Realm

Security realm (in terms of Catalina servlet container) is a pluggable module responsible for the user authentication in a certain way. Krb5Realm class is the realm that provides authentication of Kerberos principals.

The class accepts user name and password as strings. The password is considered to be an initial GSS token, converted to a sequence of hexadecimal numbers; user name value is disregarded. The realm restores GSS token from the string, and tries to accept it. If this operation succeeds, Krb5Realm obtains an instance of the security context, gets user name, defines a set of the user's roles from a database, and records this login in a database log file.

In a servlet, the following calls can be used:

protected void doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse rsp ) {
  // ...
  String userName = req.getRemoteUser(); // User name or null
  String authType = req.getAuthType();   // FORM or AUTO
  Boolean inRole  = req.isUserInRole( "developer" ); // Role name is case sensitive!
  // ...

Authentication type is FORM if the user has been authenticated in Krb5Realm; and AUTO for Auto-Authenticator. If the user principal name belongs to the default realm, the realm name is omitted. User names are generally in the lower case. Each user automatically has membership in at least two roles: public and $<user-name> (e.g., $apetrov). All other roles are defined in a database.

3.2.2 Auto-Authenticator

Auto-authenticator is used to autenticate the users on those computers that can not have Kerberos tickets at all—for example, in control rooms. Strictly speaking, this routine has no relation to Kerberos, but it works along with Kerberos Module as a part of the single system.

Auto-authenticator is implemented in AutoAuthenticator class. This is the Catalina's valve that passes HTTP requests through, checking all originating IPs. The addresses of exempt hosts eligible for authentication without Kerberos are stored in a database along with the corresponding user names and enabling boolean flags. If the IP in a request matches an address from the database, and its enabling flag is true, the system authenticates the user automatically, setting up session ID and SSO ID in corresponding HTTP cookies. In order to decrease the number of database requests, all results of address lookup (both positive and negative) are cached for about 15 minutes. For additional security and increase of speed, AutoAuthenticator can also use a regular expression for rough filtering of IPs before the database lookup.

Thus, in order to be authenticated without Kerberos ticket, the following conditions must be satisfied:

  1. Auto-authenticator is properly configured for the particular web-application;
  2. IP address of the host is registered in the database;
  3. Enabling flag for this host is set to true;
  4. IP address staisfies the regular expression.

3.2.3 Configuration

The code providing Kerberos and auto authentication on the server side is located in krb5realm.jar. It should be placed in $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib directory along with jconn2.jar.

Kerberos security realm should to declared in server.xml file inside the Host container. The keyTab attribute specifies a name of the service principal keytab file. The example also shows single sign-on (SSO) valve as we use it; apparently everything will work without it, too:

<Host ... >
  <!-- ... -->
  <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn"/>
  <Realm className="gov.fnal.controls.tools.kerberos.realm.Krb5Realm"

If auto-authentication is required, it should be declared for every web-application in a file that “extends” the global server.xml. This file bears the name of the corresponding web-application with .xml extension and should be placed in webapps directory. The pattern attribute specifies the regular expression used for rough filtering of IP addresses. For example, the configuration file for Application Index, appix.xml, could be:

<Context path="/appix" docBase="appix" debug="0" privileged="false">
  <Resources allowLinking="true"/>
  <Valve className="gov.fnal.controls.tools.kerberos.realm.AutoAuthenticator"

In web.xml you should specify security constraints on protected resources, authentication type, and paths to the password and error pages. Password form is described below. In the following example, /login/ok.html file is made available only for authenticated users:

  <display-name>Appix Security Constraint</display-name>
    <web-resource-name>Application Index Protected Area</web-resource-name>

  <realm-name>Example Form-Based Authentication Area</realm-name>

3.3 Client

The client in our case is a web-browser. It should support cookies, have Java plug-in ver 1.4, and be able to start Java applets.

As was mentioned earlier, on the password page we have an applet that reads the cached Kerberos ticket, creates GSS context, and sends the token to the server as it would be a password. The code for the applet can be found in single krb5login.jar, and it is quite simple.

Java Server Page (JSP) krb5login.jsp is used as a password form. There are two special things about it:

Client side has been tested on variuos versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, and Safari web browsers. It works as long as corresponding Java plug-in can work. In few cases (e.g., Netscape 5 on FreeBSD) it used to crash, apparently because of a plug-in malfunction.