Minutes/Action items of "Instrumentation-Systems-SDA" monthly meeting August 6, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. Annala, D. Capista, M. Convery, B. Hendricks, M. Hu, I. Kourbanis, V.Lebedev, V. Papadimitriou, J. Patrick, D. Slimmer, J. Zagel We discussed the following: -------------------------- 1) Recent Correction to Main Injector FW emittances in the front end Dave Slimmer 2) Status of the Main Injector IPM Jim Zagel 3) Main Injector FLying Wires Jim Zagel 4) " Multi-batch proton loading at Main Injector " Status on all fronts All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conclusions-Action Items: 1) On November 14, 2006 the Front End beta values for the Main Injector were adjusted to be the same as reported by I78. The values were introduced in such a way that the 2-dimensional beta constant array was transposed. Eg. the vertical beta was used for pbar horizontal emittance and the horizontal beta was used for vertical proton emittance. This was recently revealed in tests performed by Mary comparing front end MI emittances with calculated SDA emittances. The error in emittances is of the order of 4% because of this transposition. The array was corrected in the Front End on July 15, 2008. We could use the SDA code to recompute emittances backward up to June 5, 2008 but we have no way to do this in an "elegant" way as far back as November 2006. We could make a correction in a "non-elegant" way by multiplying emittances by constant factors in certain time periods. Ioanis and Dave advised that such a correction is sufficiently small that is not needed under the circumstances. 2) MI IPM action items: i) The electrostatic IPMS ( MI10H(V) ) have to be timed in for pbar transfers and Tevatron shots. ii) All three IPMs have to be incorporated into the Main Injector sequencer for pbar transfers and Tevatron shots (Jim Z./Dave C.). In the mean time Brian has already set up the structure to set measurement specs (P-specs) for the MI IPMs. iii) Jim, Dave Slimmer and Vaia will work together on introducing the appropriate device names into SDA. iv) Valeri will work with Jim to get some data and provide an algorithm that will allow for easily qualifying the data to store. v) Tom will work on finishing asap the relevant MI application page. 3) MI Flying Wires: i) New digitizers were introduced in the Main Injector FW system. This now allows for resolving two or more proton batches as well as pbars. The new digitizers were timed in preliminarily on July 28th. Tom and Dave created a pattern, however it needs to be timed in at MI-10. ii) As discussed in the previous meeting, several tests were performed for the MI Flying Wires (tension, vibration, etc.) In the mean time four new Main Injector FW forks have been built (3 to be installed and 1 spare). A spare Main Injector FW can is in the process of being pumped down for vacuum certification. The can will be rotated to the vertical orientation and flown. 4) We had no additional test store for multibatch proton loading since store 6249. When we have a follow up test the main goal will be to evaluate if the Tevatron can handle the beam without significant losses. As far as data collection and analysis issues are concerned, we are now ready to collect and analyze the data since all devices have been appropriately modified in SDA (and in front end - eg new digitizers for MI) and the SDA code has been adjusted appropriately. Since the SDA code changes can be tested only in regular stores we will not commit this code until we test it manually with the next multibatch proton loaded store. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 3, 2008. Vaia