Minutes of the Sep 11, 2009 Tevatron Dept Meeting http://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2786 * News (Ron) - Thanks for making our first FTL timecard submission/approval go pretty smoothly. * Tevatron Startup (Jerry Annala) - Successes: Separator conditioning OK. Established QBS ramp (90 GeV) for main bus. B0 low-beta quads are on. Almost all other supplies are on. Kickers are being conditioned. Beam sign-off done. Problems: New vacuum leak at A34, being overcome with additional pumping. Voltage tap on low-beta quad D1Q4. Cryo has shortage of operational ring compressors - no redundancy at moment. Jerry also reviewed our start-up. Being optimistic, we could be ready for first beam this evening; MI is commissioning their 150 GeV operation.